Winter in Yellowstone... what?

Many people think of Yellowstone vacations as a summertime activity, but winter in Yellowstone is one of the best times to visit! ⁣

Wintertime in Yellowstone is a wonderland of snowy woods, icicles, geyser rain, frozen waterfalls, and animals! Animals move to lower elevations in winter to roam around so you can get a better view of elk, mule deer, moose, wolves, and coyotes. The contrast between the dark fur of the animals and the white snow makes it easy to spot these majestic creatures. ⁣

In winter, only the road between the North Entrance at Gardiner, Montana, to the park’s northeast entrance near Silver Gate and into Cooke City, Montana, remains open to visitors’ vehicles. You can also take advantage of Yellowstone’s snow to explore the park with skis and snowshoes.