Celebrating Pizza Day at Island Park: A Slice of Local Flavor

World Pear Day

Pears are used in all sorts of recipes including pies, cakes, breads, salads, jams, quesadillas, pancakes, and cocktails. Some put pears on their pizza and eat them on sandwiches. Others pickle their pears. What are some ways you enjoy pears?

Pear cobbler is one the the best holiday desserts if you ask me. My favorite is to use asian pears for the cobbler. Speaking of recipes, here is a five star pear cobbler recipe here: Pear Cobbler.

According to this website there are some pretty cool facts about pears. See them below:

  • There are 3,000 varieties of pears around the world

  • A medium pear contains 100 calories

  • Producers handpick all pears in the United States.

  • Because of its soft, butter-like texture, pears used to be called butter fruit

  • Pears are rich in dietary fibers, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, copper, and potassium

  • Pears are considered one of the healthiest foods and can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer

  • Some of the most popular kinds of pears include Bartlett, Anjou, Asian, and Comice, which is also called the Christmas Pear

  • China considers pears the symbol of immortality.